5 Mar 2013

Off to work

Today was one of those rare occasion in which I had to step it up a little for work. On most days I'm pretty much free to wear what I want but every once in a while it's the sort of day that requires to tone it down or polish it up a little and get into 'business attire' mode.  Luckily this time I had a chance to wear this cool jacket I borrowed from my friend. I actually borrowed it as more of a casual item but decided to use it today  as an addition to a simple black dress for a slightly more classic look. I'm kind of loving it how it turned out although the photos aren't really showing that , it's actually the sort of outfit I can definitely see myself wearing more often for work as recently I've been trying to get my outfits to be slightly more 'grown up' or 'serious' although so far not very successfully so this jacket and this outfit as a whole might be a slight sign of a new direction which I'm slowly trying to figure out.

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